How do I object to a Conciliator’s Recommendation?

If you received an Order from the court titled “Conciliator’s Recommendation” or “Interim Order” or something similar, you have the opportunity to object to such recommendation/ interim order before it becomes the final order of the court. Read this recommendation carefully. It will outline the deadline for which you must make and objection. If you do not file an objection within this time period, the recommendation will be signed by the Judge and become a final order of the court. In most counties, you will have 21 days from the date of service to make an objection. The “date of service” does not mean 21 days from the date you received the document; it means 21 days from the date the proof of service was signed (i.e. date the document was placed in the mail). If you have any questions about the time period for which to file an objection, you should contact and attorney or your caseworker.

Custody and Visitation in the wake of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act

In December 2008, Michigan enacted the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act which protects the growing and using of marijuana for certain medicinal purposes. The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs reports that: 214,209 original and renewal applications were received since April 6, 2009, 131,308 patient registrations were in fact issued; and 22,123 applications had been denied[1]. It’s evident that some of these applicants are parents of minor children.

Only time will tell how the Medical Marihuana Act, MCL 333.26421-26430, will affect custody and parenting time as years progress. Currently, the law states:

A personal shall not be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in accordance with this act, unless the person’s behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can be clearly articulated and substantiated. MCL 333.26424(c).

As more and more cases are evolving in the lower courts over the use of medical marijuana, the phrases creates a unreasonable danger and clearly articulated and substantiated will inevitably be defined. MCL 333.2624(c) will also have a dynamic interplay with MCL 722.23 and MCL 722.27(6).


I received a notice to attend a conciliation conference, what does this mean?

This notice was likely sent to you by the Friend of the Court. A conciliation conference is an alternative dispute resolution process. Parties usually attend conciliation conferences for issues relating to custody, parenting time, and child support. A Friend of the Court employee, who may or may not be an attorney, will hold a conference with both parties in attempt to reach a resolution in the case. If there is an agreement between the parties, the Friend of the Court employee will reduce that agreement to writing. If there is no such agreement, the employee will listen to each party’s prospective and make a written recommendation.

You should be well prepared for this hearing prior to attending it.